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Explorez 11548 employeurs et 48035 évaluations
Taille de l'entreprise : Moyenne (50 - 499 employés)
Industrie : Télécommunications
basé sur 68 évaluations
If I could give a zero star rating this would be the company that deserves it. Where to start??? I took this job because the market was in bad shape much against the many warnings from my peers, but you do what you have to do to pay the bills. Yes the previous reviews are very true; the pay is lousy and there it's no chance for a raise until you have handed in your resignation, HQ will send out reprimands to employees via email copying in the whole company globally if you can believe it. The hours are poor and they totally bait and switch you from verbal offer to the day you join so be careful if you decide to go against your better judgement and work there. The majority of the staff have no regard for common hygiene so be prepared to get sick a number of times during your tenure until your immune system builds up. What these guys need to realize is that we're in CANADA so we have something called human rights and safety controls. Racism and ageism runs rampant with the mgmt. I only wish there had been comments posted on this site before I even accepted an interview and ignored my initial gut feeling. People seen to use this as a stopover until a better job comes along.
Publié le 19 novembre 2011 par Évaluateur #99 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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