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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Tourism, Travel, Passenger transportation

  • I worked for WestJet for 12 years. I came on excited and ready to make this place my career. I was highly skilled at my job and told do time and time again from guests and management. This company has gone down hill quick. Management are not trained properly and have very poor attitudes. The caliber of people getting hired now is laughable. WestJet treats its people terribly and has wasted my time being there. The pay is a joke, even if you're the best at what you do if you're not best friends with whatever clown is manager you will not be considered for a promotion. The hours are bad. There is no seniority or union and WestJet takes advantage of that. Most toxic environment I have subjected myself to and finally left when I couldn't take it anymore. Don't subject yourself to this kind of abusive environment. Not worth it.

    Posted on 13 July 2016 by Rater #140 | Flag as inappropriate

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