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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Tourism, Travel, Passenger transportation

  • Have been here for 10+ years. I can understand the experience can be very diverse - afterall it's a big company. Frontend and office can be different. Different cities can be different. It's no longer a mom and pop, everybody rolls up their sleeves to get things done. But it's not at all a bad thing. There is more structure and organization that is necessary for a company that needs to scale internationally. I have worked in a few other companies before this and there's a reason I stay here for this long, and so do many others. Nowadays, professionals often move on after 2-4 years. The turnover rate is considerably lower and I have seen many people who have left for a supposedly better career, just to come back several years later. Should ask them why. The business is relatable, priorities are transparent. And the company keeps growing which is very exciting to be a part of. The only thing (and it prob. goes for every company) is whenever a senior leadership comes onboard, it appears that everything is on the table for a change. It almost feels like working for a different company to an extent. Sometimes it's good when it's for the better. But these changes seem to happen a bit too often.

    Posted on 8 November 2017 by Rater #141 | Flag as inappropriate

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