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University of alberta

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Education, Training

  • The university of Alberta is so large that experiences will vary greatly. However, Dept of Medicine known for their heirarchal workforce and uber micro-managing by supervisors/managers to the point of having to ask permission for every medical appt!! And to 'log' this in a log! But the supervisors who implement this are not doing it themselves and of course take a lot of days off. Also a log of every task requested of you by the person in supervisory role- extremely micromanaging and counterproductive. Ongoing Joke is that soon we will have to log when we go to the bathroom. And these people in dept of med in supervisory positions themselves seem to do squat all day- leave early, sit in thier offices and read, not accountable to anyone. Doesn't seem the same in other depts though. In general U of A support staff majorly overworked & underpaid

    Posted on 24 February 2012 by Rater #4 | Flag as inappropriate

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