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The Keg Steakhouse & Bar

Taille de l'entreprise : Moyenne (50 - 499 employés)

Industrie : Hébergement, Services de restauration

  • This has got to be the greatest company to work for. I've been here for almost a year; starting out in the kitchen and now working in the front of house. The management team treats you with the utmost respect and is always willing to listen to what you have to say whether it's about the job or not! They don't take bullcrap from employees though. If you constantly call in sick or if you're not on time (regularly) for shifts they will write you up or fire you. It's an amazing place to work but you get out what you put in.

    Publié le 24 juillet 2011 par Évaluateur #6 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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