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Starbucks coffee


Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)

Industrie : Commerce de détail

  • Having worked for starbucks across the North Shore and Squamish for 15 years I can say that it has changed throughout the years. At this point in time Starbucks is at an all time low regarding how they treat their employees. The level of compensation relative to the average work load is poor. McDonald's may treat their employees better. The disconnect between the corporate vision and leadership outside of the retail environment and within is huge, and the workload compared to actual labour coverage is wearing down baristas. With regards to in store management i have noticed throughout the last 5 years especially that external hires are either not being selected well or they are not getting adequate training. The internally promoted store managers are burning out faster than ever before and the expectations laid out by leadership can never be matched with a 50 hour work week! This creates an very negative work environment with low morale.

    Publié le 20 septembre 2016 par Évaluateur #84 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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