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Ocean Island Backpackers

Size of company: Small (1 - 49 employees)

Industry: Accommodation, Food Services

  • Like any job, there's things I dislike. But I don't think they're out of the ordinary for most jobs - issues with management (people usually have issues with management anywhere, because, you know, it's management), wages could be higher (who doesn't want to make more money), etc. However, the things that are different from the other places I've worked, are the things I like - no dress code, great coworkers, things are always changing (ok, so sometimes this is a negative as things aren't always thought through, but mostly they're trying to improve things, renovating the place and so on), and the guests, like the coworkers, are a lot of fun. Are there negatives to the job? Yes. Is it one of the best places I've worked? Yes.

    Posted on 23 December 2009 by Rater #5 | Flag as inappropriate

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