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Ocean Island Backpackers

Taille de l'entreprise : Petite (1 - 49 employés)

Industrie : Hébergement, Services de restauration

  • I worked for OI for three years, & had a magnificent time. The staff were always interesting. I got to paint signs all over the place,work on the website, & meet people from all over the world,. It was the best job ever at that time in my life. I am proud to have worked there. Since that time, I worked & lived in Copenhagen, Denmark for 5 years. Working in an international hostel for one of the coolest bosses on the planet helped with this. As with any place of employment, this company has detractors, but I want to add my voice here, as a positive one. . .

    Publié le 10 décembre 2009 par Évaluateur #4 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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