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Nokia Siemens Network

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Telecommunications

  • What's not to like about the company? Very little in fact. I have worked with several IT & telecoms companies in the past 15 years and this is the one I like the most.

    I especially appreciate the fact that management seems to be on top of things most of the time - a rarity in the business. Office politics are not driving things like at other companies. I hope to be here for 20+ years.

    Salary & bonus are well above average and the benefits (dental, health, etc) are among the best in the industry. Unlike at other places you normally get a yealy salary increase depending on performance. Since Nokia is such a good employer people tend to stick around, very few leave, so there are little opportunities for promotions to a managerial position. That is pretty much the only negative point.

    Posted on 1 January 2011 by Rater #2 | Flag as inappropriate

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