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Explorez 11555 employeurs et 48052 évaluations

Les meilleurs de cette indusrie

  1. Sony Corporation 
  2. Implix 
  3. eBay 
  4. HostPapa Inc. 
  5. BioWare 


Taille de l'entreprise : Petite (1 - 49 employés)

Industrie : Commerce électronique, Multimédia

  • I've been with Implix for over half a year now, and I am very happy with it so far. The scheduling is fair, the pay is good and the work can be interesting. This is a healthy company that I only see a bright future for. The business has recently been expanding at a rapid pace and there is a lot of employment opportunities within the company right now.

    They've given me more opportunities than any other employer I have worked with in the area, and everyone here is very friendly!

    If you're good with computers, or just good with the internet, it is definitely worth applying here.

    Publié le 14 juillet 2014 par Évaluateur #8 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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