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Explorez 11548 employeurs et 48037 évaluations

Les meilleurs de cette indusrie

  1. Sony Corporation 
  2. Implix 
  3. eBay 
  4. HostPapa Inc. 
  5. BioWare 


Taille de l'entreprise : Petite (1 - 49 employés)

Industrie : Commerce électronique, Multimédia

  • I have been with Implix for years and it has been an enjoyable experience. I like working for this company, the office
    is small, it feels like family, the coworkers are nice and we are all helpful to each other. We can get a bonus for realistic to achieve goals, which are clearly explained by the management.
    Additional things like treats, sandwiches available for us for free, team building events prove that the company wants us be happy here.

    Publié le 20 juin 2014 par Évaluateur #7 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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