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Explorez 11555 employeurs et 48052 évaluations

Les meilleurs de cette indusrie

  1. Sony Corporation 
  2. Implix 
  3. eBay 
  4. HostPapa Inc. 
  5. BioWare 


Taille de l'entreprise : Petite (1 - 49 employés)

Industrie : Commerce électronique, Multimédia

  • One of the worse places now to work at. Staff is now overworked and underpaid. Raises no longer exist. Training is a joke. We are expected to support products that we receive no training on. The communication with the other office is lacking. Blame is passed around. There is no positive enforcement. Micromanaging is the norm. Very negative environment. All the emphasis for the job is placed doing the call flow; attendance, AHT, calls taken, solving problems does not matter. Don't waste your time. Most people only last a few months, if that, than quit it's so bad.

    Publié le 6 juin 2012 par Évaluateur #3 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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