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Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Recruitment, Employment Services

  • I've been working at Excel for a few years. I have a fantastic team, we all care about each other. I like the relationships I've gained with my clients. I find the recruitment is exciting. It's be a great experience.

    Posted on 27 April 2013 by Rater #19 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 59 109


This is a lousy agency to work for as a candidate. They are sneaky and dishonest and will try to get away with paying you as little as possible. You'll start off doing an assignment for them at $12 bucks an hour and then the next assignment they offer will be $11.50 and the next at $11.00 and so on until they try to get away with paying you minimum wage ($10.25 and 4% vacation pay = $10.66). They'll do anything to screw you over and pay you as little as possible to increase their profit margin. Stay away from them because there are many other agencies on Ottawa who will pay you more and put you forth for better quality assignments as well.

Posted on 6 March 2014

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