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Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Recruitment, Employment Services

  • Agreed, a very toxic and unhealthy environment, with extreme micro-management and no work/life balance. It is extremely discouraging to see their steady success as they continue to treat their employees so poorly. It is very clear that the goal of the company is to be extremely profitable for the owners at whatever cost to their employees.

    Posted on 24 April 2008 by Rater #2 | Flag as inappropriate

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Totally agree, I'd avoid working there as an employee at all costs.

Posted on 10 June 2008

I would recommend excelHR for anyone looking for a job or any company wanting to hire a professional. They do an excellent job screening and setting up the right people for their skill set. Unfortunately it is at the cost of the employees. Managers breathing down necks, every second accounted for, emails read, unprofessional comments, the expectation that work takes priority over anything else - it's a stressful environment. You gain points for prize parties when really all the staff want is their proper bonus to compensate for the hard long hours they put in. I hope that they realize that they need to put the well being and happiness of their employees into perspective in order to be successful for everyone and not just the owners.

Posted on 25 April 2008

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