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Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Recruitment, Employment Services

  • excelHR is a special company. When you first start working there you are lost in the luster of all that is promised. At first glance you are so excited to work with a bright, young and vibrant team. There are always special events, prizes, presents so it is easy to get lost in the dream. And then after a while the shine starts to wear off and you suddenly realize that you are working in a very toxic environment. I am no longer working with the company and I know a lot of people who have since left. I am not disgruntled, I learned a lot from excelHR and have been able to apply it to my career. However, every person that has left that company has mentioned that they never felt appreciated for what they were accomplishing. All of those that were made to feel mediocre have left the company and joined other companies that recognize their talents. I worked very hard for excelHR, like everyone else, but mostly it was out of fear. The Management had their days but when you did something wrong it was not treated very professionally. The company is extrememly successful and there has to be a reason for it. I just think that it is a shame how employees are treated and that excelHR does not recognize the talent that they have let go. They have their hiring correct, they find great, professional, fun-loving, smart individuals to work for them...the issue is keeping those employees with the company. I hope that excelHR is able to recognize the faults in their management style and correct it before all of their employees leave the company. They have some Sr. Staff that I am sure will be retiring in the next few years - and then after that excelHR will realize that they should have treated their new employees better, invested in them. Had they have had faith and respect for some of the employees that have left in the recent years, I bet you that excelHR would not only be successful (money wise) but they would be genuinely rated as one of the best employers to work for.

    One of the company rules is that "gossip is fatal" - but one should know that it is the Sr Management who spread the gossip. This has been the primary reason that most employees have left. The Environment Truly is Toxic. Having said this, excelHR employs truly wonderful talent (so if you are a client or temporary worker, please do not let this affect you), it is such a shame that the Management mistreats the majority of their ful time staffing consultants and operations people.

    Posted on 3 April 2008 by Rater #1 | Flag as inappropriate

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Bang On! Do not EVER work for this company.

Posted on 23 June 2008

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