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Explorez 11548 employeurs et 48035 évaluations
Taille de l'entreprise : Moyenne (50 - 499 employés)
Industrie : Recrutement, Services d'emploi
basé sur 25 évaluations
I had a great experience because I was able to learn about client services, HR trends, interviewing and selection, and team work. It's not perfect because finding the right candidate is a lot of work. I worked a normal work week in my view, about 40 to 42 hours a week and I felt I earned a good income that grew quite a bit most years. I got a lot of feedback to improve but I found it helpful. We had a lot of fun parties and events that were special. I went into HR after a few years and I feel my time there gave me a foundation to grow from. I've kept a few long term friends too.
Publié le 7 août 2012 par Évaluateur #13 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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I left excel after 3 years to become an HR Generalist. I loved what I did, especially recruiting and interviewing - and for me, I wanted to take what I learned into the HR field. I liked my client relationships too and I miss that part of it. Personally, I had strong friendships with my team and with my team lead. We had a lot of fun at work, laughed a lot, ate lunch together, and gave each other a lot of support. I liked the recognition I received and I learned how to balance many things at the same time. I think I work faster in what I do now because of what I learned at excel. It's a benefit to my future in HR. I'd never want to have started out anywhere else. The company was supportive of me when I decided to make a change and I still have friends there. I would recommend it to anyone who loves people and wants to be involved.
Publié le 16 octobre 2012
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I grew a lot in my role because I was new to the job market. I found multitasking took me time to develop as a skill, but now I'm the better for it. I truly enjoyed the people I worked with. I joined the government but would never take away what I gained at excel.
Publié le 3 octobre 2012
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