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  5. BioWare 



Size of company: Small (1 - 49 employees)

Industry: E-Commerce, Multimedia

  • I use to work at the B.C Branch. Very disappointed that this multi billion dollar company had to chose down one of their offices. It's ironic, prior to closing down the more effective office, they opened up a new branch in Zurich. I'm not sure why they chose to shut down our office. They had so many employees that were there for many years, worked their way up, loyal to the company, in fact it was our office carrying the company on our backs, Salt lake was ok, but our work was replaced by Out sourced workers in the Phillipines who often blind transfers calls to us. (B.C) Office. Here we are the biggest online shopping site, had to close down their most effective CSC office. That being said, the environment was top notch, very relaxing, very high tech, office, even the entry level job pays 16.00 dollars per hour. Our managers did their best for us, but it was cooperate that screwed us over. Pop machines was free, free food free coffee, some things were strict, but really I kinda miss it there.

    Posted on 21 May 2011 by Rater #10 | Flag as inappropriate

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