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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Electrical, Electronic

  • Extremely heavy on company policies and procedures. Company uses these to their benefit, but are over-ruled by management when an employee might benefit. Company intentionally keeps employees in the lowest possible job-grades to keep salaries down, but expect work of several job grades higher to be performed. Managers seldom take responsibility for their decisions or actions, and since their input on reviews may not be questioned, employees are held accountable for management's mistakes. Treatment of employees very demotivating and dehumanizing. Employees are looked down to by management. Projects tend to be very top-heavy in management, i.e., 60-70% of personnel on projects is purely management. Training is budgeted, but almost impossible to get approvals. Company has a dreadful fear of new technologies.

    Posted on 21 January 2010 by Rater #2 | Flag as inappropriate

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