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Classic POS Inc.

Taille de l'entreprise : Non renseigné

  • I read the other review and don't know what they are talking about. The position is contract and the contract clearly spells out what is required.
    If you provide docs with each invoice you present, you get paid, on time every time.
    I was quite happy working there.

    Publié le 23 octobre 2013 par Évaluateur #3 | Signaler comme inapproprié

    Cette revue était-elle utile? 13 9


I just finished a 3 year contract with this company and loved working there.
My billings were based on quotations for each project and if I got it done in less time I made more money.
I have moved and can no longer work in Toronto but if I could I would still work there.

Publié le 27 décembre 2016

This was not posted by the employer. This is an honest review. You are free to check any Toronto courts and see for yourself if there are any employee related claims. :)

Publié le 13 janvier 2014

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