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Bureau en Gros


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Retail Trade

  • Horrible company to work for they expect you to do so much, you just never stop for one second and you still can't get it all done. They pay is CRAP. They keep asking you to do things that you don't have time for and adding on work.
    The managers are useless morons overpaid idiots on power trips
    They try to make you think it is some kind of an honor to work here, three interviews and three reference checks. LOL
    Oh but then when you get smart and move on they refuse to give a reference (company policy)
    If you want to work like a dog and get treated like CRAP and paid LOWER than Low wages this is a good company for you.

    Posted on 2 August 2012 by Rater #9 | Flag as inappropriate

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