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Andrew Sheret

Taille de l'entreprise : Non renseigné

  • Receiving/Shipping department is really challenging. Lack of staff is and will always be a problem. They will basically tell you that everyone gets paid well to compensate. Yes the pay can be good but the cost on you're mental health isn't worth it. Everyone is so busy that communication is a challenge. You get derailed constantly. They will sacrifice your production for sales even though you have daily expectations. They are very cheap. There isn't enough room for most of what they order in many cases. You find yourself having to be a super hero every day, red lining the entire time, day after day. Working their feels like your just constantly bailing a ship, barely keeping it going. When people are on holidays and sick it gets worse. More pressure more stress. You'll go home feeling stressed, angry, frustrated with staff etc. I could go on all night.

    Publié le 12 juillet 2016 par Évaluateur #4 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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