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some branches are overflowing with product.A lack of space to properly organize stock effects the ability to pull orders,find product and provide a safe environment to work in.Lost sales due to not being able to find stock is a big issue. Certain people choose not to enforce accountability to staff that do not perform their jobs.This creates much tension between the staff that do work hard and do show up for work every day.Not to mention the bad morale it breeds.
Posted on 6 April 2011 by Rater #1 | Flag as inappropriate
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Plus they expect the warehouse staff to shovel the whole sidewalk and parking lot manually. Park at Walmart and walk while others park on site. They have all three bay doors open in minus degree temperatures all day long and it’s like a wind tunnel in there. Also the branch manager is short with you on the phone when you call in sick. Don’t waste your time here. There is a high turn over for a reason. Oh and don’t even get me going on the safety aspect. Someone is going to get hurt here.
Posted on 31 May 2022
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What is this? There is another receiver job ad on Service Canada for Victoria. It has only been 2-3 months since the last job ad. What interest me is why the staff keep leaving. This gives off alarm signals as to whether or not to apply with this company.
Posted on 21 September 2012
Ok, that is why the Victoria Andrew Sheret office is posting a job ad for another shipper receiver 3 months after the last job ad. They can't keep staff from leaving.
Posted on 9 June 2012
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