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Agence du revenu du Canada


Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)

Industrie : Gouvernement et Administration publique

  • CRA was a wonderful experience for me. Management was very forthright and approachable. My team leader was very accommodating to my schedule since I both worked there and went to university full time. The pay isn't that great but that's what you get working as a civil servant (and they are very upfront with that fact). However, their pension plan and benefits are second to none. The only drawback is the bureaucracy; if you can move from being a contract employee to a permanent full-time employee, you pretty much have a job for life. Given the opportunity, I'd definitely return.

    Publié le 7 juillet 2010 par Évaluateur #1 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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